Track Body Fat - If you want to track the body fat of your clients, check this box.

Track Measurements - If you want to track the measurements of your clients, check this box. You can add and remove measurements to be tracked in the ‘Measurements To Track’ box.

Default Weigh In Day - Whatever you choose here will show up as the ‘weigh in day’ whenever you or your client creates a goal. We recommend Mondays, as it discourages your clients from ‘cheating’ on the weekends.

Default Weigh In Frequency - This is the default option for the interval between scheduled weigh ins. We recommend you have your clients weigh in every week. This can be overridden for any individual goal by changing the goal’s settings.

Send Weigh In Reminder Emails - If this option is checked Fit Clients will send out a weigh in reminder email to your clients on any day they have a scheduled weigh in.

Send Missed Weigh In Emails - Missed weigh in emails are sent after your clients miss a scheduled weigh in. You can choose the number of days after a missed weigh in that the email will be sent (the default is 1 day). This can be overridden for any individual goal by changing the goal’s settings.

Allow Goals to Become Inactive - If a client continues to miss weigh ins, you can have the goal enter an ‘inactive’ state. It will show up as inactive in your notification list (on your home page), and in any goal lists or email reports. Fit Clients will also send an email to your client letting them know their goal is inactive. This can be overridden for any individual goal by changing the goal’s settings.

Allow Goals to Be Automatically Cancelled - If a client continues to miss weigh ins, even after the goal has become inactive, you can have the goal automatically cancelled. If a goal is cancelled you will receive a notification on your home screen which you can click to reactivate the goal. This can be overridden for any individual goal by changing the goal’s settings.

Show ‘Next Target’ on Goals - If this option is checked you will see a ‘Next Target’ section on the goal view pages. The next target is a calculation of what they need to weigh/measure on their next scheduled weigh in date in order to stay on pace with their goal.

Send Me Client Status Reports - If this option is checked Fit Clients will send you summaries of how your clients are doing with their goals. It’s an easy way to keep tabs on the progress of your clients.